Sunday, May 10, 2015


Being Thomasian really is a big deal. I felt very proud to be a part of the one roar. To become a real Thomasian, you’ll have to visit these places that because it symbolizes the cultural heritage of being one and the community as well.


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This is a great place to hang out with your friends, especially during night time. It is one of the places where you can play anything you want. Some students prefer to play Frisbee, and some can be seen sitting in the park with their guitars played matched with a sing along. 


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In this museum, we can find the oldest book in the Philippines --- The “Doctrina Christiana”. You’ll experience going back in time especially the Spanish Colonization Era. Together with the stunning ambiance, you will be definitely amazed with the creative artworks and obra maestras of Filipinos.


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The Benavides statue is one of the famous landmarks inside UST. Many outsiders take a picture with the statue with the stunning background of the main building. It represents the Thomasian Community being a Catholic University.


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This is a great place to do your visual projects, dance practices and a place to hang out, with the breezy air coming from the fountain. When night time comes, you can see different dance crews in from different institutions of UST gathering around and you’ll be astonished when you see them do their awesome stunts and moves. 


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This is one of the most symbolic and famous landmarks in UST. One of the initiation rites to become a certified Thomasian, you need to walk under it during the Thomasian Welcome Walk. When you graduate from UST, you will likewise, go out of the arch, that will symbolize that you are ready to serve the community and share what you’ve learned.

POEM: Days by Cristan Fernando Ileto

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 It's your first day of school,   
       It's your new life and new beginning.   
       College is full of wondrous things,   
       That will make your head start spinning.  

        You will learn what you want to learn.   
       You will see what you want to see.   
       But the real thing is, it’s all about dream,  
        Just across that river streams.  

       Four years that you will spend,
       Depends on the course that you intend.
       For four, then three, then two and one
     The arch will open, say goodbye .

       And when that time will arrive,
       You will look back here and smile with pride.
       You’ll remember the day began,
       As you move forward with a heart untried.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

FRESHIES 101: Experiences and Creative Writings of Thomasian Freshmen Students

A Performance Task in ENG2: Enhancing Reading and Thinking Skills of College Freshmen


John Paul Combalicer
Editor - In - Chief / Writer

Jean Maurice Constantino
Around Campus Editor / Writer

Jonabel Rosena
Commentary Editor / Writer

Ryan Carl Salas
Arts & Entertainment Editor / Writer

Cristan Fernando Ileto

Tristan Dale Torres


Asst. Prof. Maria B. Cequena, Ph.D
Course Facilitator


NEWS: UST Shifts School Year Regarding K to 12
by Jean Maurice Constantino

by Jonabel Rosena

by Ryan Carl Salas

by Tristan Dale Torres

by John Paul Combalicer

by Cristan Fernando Ileto


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Kylie was walking to school when she felt a stranger is following her. She tried to find the stranger following her in a very large crowd. She suddenly noticed a guy wearing a white polo that has been staring at her. The guy walked away from Kylie when he saw that she was staring on him. Kylie carefully thought who the stranger is that has been following her. She was reminded of her childhood friend, Alex, whom she had a crush when they were still residing in their province, which looked like the guy that was following her. Kylie tried to run after the guy whom he recognized as Alex but he quickly submerged inside the crowd.

Kylie went to her class and excitedly told her experience to her friends, Pam and Rose

“Pam, Rose, I need to talk to you guys quickly” Kylie said.

“What is it again? Have you forgotten about Wade already? You’ve told that story to us many times and you always cry again and again” sarcastically said by Pam. Kylie knew that Pam didn’t mean what she said but Kylie still felt some emotional pain whenever she hear her old boyfriends’ name.

“No, that’s not it. I saw Alex a while ago. He is following me but suddenly disappeared when I saw him staring at me.”

“WHAT? Who is Alex? He is following you then he suddenly disappeared? Your story is really confusing you know” replied Rose.

“Alex is my childhood friend. I saw him following me but suddenly walked away when he saw me looking at him”.

“Are you sure that he is your childhood friend? Maybe what you just saw is another side effect of your break up with Wade?” questioning Kylie by Pam.

“I’m sure that guy is Alex. When I was still young and innocent, I have a secret crush on him and when I saw him a while ago, he really looked so handsome. We’re very close friends that is why wherever and whenever I go, he is always by my side. That is how clingy we are to each other.

“Is that one of the storyline of a famous romantic movie? Is that what you want to tell us?” replied Rose.

“Why do you always contradict everything I say? Do you even want me to forget all my bad experiences with Wade?” said Kylie.

“We really want you to completely move-on, but when you’re going to use another guy just to move-on, I think that is not a good idea.” answered Pam.

“I’m not that type of girl who is going to use another guy just to move-on. I just think that when I have the chance to talk to Alex, I will really deeply fall in love with him in just a snap of a finger.” commented Kylie. Kylie was not really sure of what she just said, but she knew that really want to forget his past experiences with Wade. Kylie thought of what she really saw that is why she can’t focus during class. Rose noticed that Kylie is not listening that is why she decided to invite Kylie to go to mall after school.

After dismissal, Rose immediately invited Kylie and didn’t have a second thought on going with her. They went to the food court first because they were very hungry after class. As they were eating, Kylie noticed a guy wearing a white shirt, seated alone on the corner part of the food court. She approached the guy, and realized that it was Alex staring at him.

“Alex is that you?” asked Kylie

“Hi Kylie. You haven’t changed a bit, you’re still beautiful. How are you doing?” replied Alex while staring and smiling to Kylie. Kylie started to wonder because the last time she saw Alex is like he never grew up and his face never changed when they were still little, young, and innocent.

Kylie and Alex happily exchanged stories with each other when suddenly another guy, who was a security guard touched Kylie’s shoulders.

“Miss, are you alright?” asked by the security guard.

“Yes sir, I’m definitely alright.” replied Kylie. The security guard just scratched his head because of what he saw.

“Kylie, I really need to, its already late. Take care Kylie” quickly said by Alex to Kylie who is in a hurry to leave. Alex stand up from where he is sitting and was prepared to leave the place.

“Wait! Are you available tomorrow? I want to talk with you here, 10 am” replied Kylie. Alex just nodded and left the place.

Kylie went home and told all the things that happened to her to her mother.

“Mom, I saw Alex a while ago, my childhood friend. Can you still remember him?” excitedly said by Kylie to her mother. Kylie’s mom became confused and said “Maybe Wade really hurt you my dear”. Kylie’s mother knew what happened between her daughter and Wade because Kylie always told her everything that is happening in their relationship.

“What does Wade have to do with all of this?” an irritated reply by Kylie. Kylie’s mom pacified her daughter and said “Alex is not true my dear. He is just your imaginary friend. He is only alive within your thoughts.” Kylie didn’t believe her mother. . . “What are you even saying mom!? I’ve seen him, we exchange stories with each other, and we’re going to see each other again tomorrow”. Kylie eventually remembered and realized why the security guard touched her a while ago in the mall.

“When you were still young, after the sorrowful death of your father, you always say that you have that friend named Alex and you always talk by yourself. That is why I brought you to a doctor. The doctor said that its just a normal things for a child who experienced a tragic moment. I was advised that we need to go to a far place for you to forget that painful moment as well as your hallucinations about your friend Alex. But I never expected that Alex will come back to your memory.” Explained Kylie’s mom.

“NO THAT’S NOT TRUE!” shouted Kylie while crying. Her mom hugged her very tight.

After dinner, Kylie went to her room immediately. She was really confused and curiously thought if Alex would show up tomorrow. But she also thought that if Alex was just an imagination, why can’t she make Alex appear so she can talk with him.

The next day came by, and Alex left their house very early. She went to the food court where she is going to meet Alex. She saw Alex waiting for her and talked to him.

“Is it true? Is it true that you’re not real? That you only exist in my mind? Curiously asked Kylie to Alex in a soft, low tone voice so as not to make other people hear and think of her as a crazy person.
Alex smiled and said “Yes it is true. When you were still young, you already knew that I don’t really exist and you’re the only one who can see me. You never listened to what people are saying at all”. Kylie was mesmerized and became speechless.

“But if you only exist in my mind, why is it that you only show yourself to me?” asked Kylie to Alex
“Because you needed me once again because you’re hurt” answered Alex

“Don’t leave. I don’t really care if I’m the only one who can see you and if they think of me as an insane person. I already liked you since we were kids” replied Kylie

“You knew what is going to happen and the reason behind why I am showing myself to you again. Even if you’re hurt, time will heal the wounds and you can forget or move-on from those tragic experiences and after you done that, I will be gone in your memory once more” explained Alex.

Kylie is eventually going to cry but she held things up together to prevent tears to show up from her eyes. “Why can’t you always stay by my side, so that I will never be lonely again. Can’t that really happen for both of us?” asked Kylie.

“If I can really choose to stay, then I will really stay with you but that would not be possible. This might be the last time that you will see me. The next time another guy hurt your feelings, I will not show up anymore because you already know the truth about me” replied Alex.

Kylie became speechless once more because she knew and can’t accept the worse fact that Alex will disappear from her mind permanently. Alex went closer to Kylie and held the girl’s hand. Even if Alex is just an imagination, Kylie can feel his hands.

“From now on, you will not see me anymore but always remember that I am always by your side and in your heart. You can now accept the possible outcomes of tragic moments that happened and will happen to you. When you’re hurt, you will not need me anymore because you can accept and handle the pain. You won’t need me anymore”

“I love you Alex” whispered Kylie. Alex kissed her hand and vanished once more, never to return. Kylie was left sitting alone inside the food court.

NEWS: UST Shifts School Year Regarding K to 12 by Jean Maurice Constantino

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MANILA Philippines- The school year for 2015-2016 of the University of Santo Thomas (UST) will start on the first week of August released in the memorandum of the Secretary General Fr. Winston Cabading, O.P. according to a report from The Varsitarian.

UST changed its academic calendar in time for the full implementation of the K to 12 basic education curriculum. (Viray, 2015)

The report regarding to the start of classes (August) was due to the completion of the current (2014-2015) transition schedule. But in the succeeding academic years, school openings will be consistently start within first week of August.( Admin,

The opening classes for first semester will be on August 10 while the first day for the second term will be on January 18, 2016.(Viray, 2015)

In addition to this, incoming freshmen will start their Thomasian journey with the Mass of the Holy Spirit on August 3, Freshmen Orientation on August 4 and the Famous Thomasian welcome walk on August 5. And it is expected to be a full blast experience for all incoming Thomasian students.

For more information regarding the School calendar SY: 2015-2016 please visit and


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The Thomasian Welcome Walk (TWW) is an enormous and marvelous event for the new members of the community of University of Santo Tomas. Last July **, 2014 we had our initiation at the Arch of the Century. About 12,000 freshmen students were welcomed that day with their different gimmicks during the parade. This event is a form of inauguration for freshmen students and a seal that they are now a true blooded Thomasian. As Robert Anton Wilson said, “A true initiation never ends”, many things still awaits and will be unveiled as they enter the University.

Being a Thomasian makes you proud, because studying in a Royal and Pontifical Catholic University is a great opportunity. But sometimes I ask myself if TWW is the only thing that makes you an official Thomasian? As I experience the thrill and excitement as I stay in UST, I think there is so much more in store for us. It’s more than just taking USTET and passing it; it is more than just buying our official uniforms and paying tuition fees; there is much more in stored than just going to class every day or swiping your ID tied with the official UST lanyard. As stated in the Tomasinoweb Blog, “Thomasian Welcome Walk is just the appetizer in a buffet.”

First day of school is the day that makes you count down until the last day of school but the life and being part of the Thomasian community, we count every memory that we will cherish every single day of our stay. There are countless events in UST like UAAP, Paskuhan, USTv, College week celebrations, and various events of the different organizations like TomasinoWeb, Scarlet, Becarios de Santo Tomas, etc. Nonetheless, a true blue Thomasian experience assemblies, recollections, monthly masses, and floods --- with the worst case scenario of being stranded inside the campus. You’re not a Thomasian: if you never experience eating at Mang Tootz, SEx, or Ilars; if you never met and bought the sweet delicacies of Ate Yema; you’re don’t know the best places around UST where you can hang out with your friends and if you’ve never heard of scary and frightening true to life ghost stories.

A true blooded Thomasian embraces the tiger inside him. We freshmen students are still naïve, amazed, and living the life, but we are wonderful in our own ways. We accepted our fate, and the only thing that will really challenge us as freshmen students is if we can survive and not fail.


When tigers get hungry they’ll hunt their prey for food. Likewise thomasians instead of prey they hunt for budget friendly, delicious, clean, and convenient meal. And when lunch time comes the question is “Saan tayo? Mcdo nanaman?”

Instead of fast food chains in the car park building, why don’t you try going out in the four corners of UST and try the best food spots along UST that offers a great deal for “super tipid na kaibigan”, “Super arte na bessy”, and “Super takaw na tropa”.


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Dapitan St. / Asturias St., Sampaloc, Manila
Operating hours: 8am to 2am
Price range: 55 – 75

A perfect idea to dine in for budget friendly yet satisfying food for a rumbling stomach. A taste of authentic Chinese Siomai will surely make you order extra rice. You can choose from their Special, Japanese, Chinese Chicken, Quail Egg, Sharksfin, and Mushroom Siomai and drinks --- a perfect way to beat the hunger out of you.

Friendly tip: Try to separate the Chili sauce from your rice if you don’t want to experience a lingering hot and burning sensation in your mouth.


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España Blvd. cor Tolentino street (beside 7 Eleven).

A perfect place to chill, hang out, and study with your barkada Amor serves varieties of breads and pastries perfect to satisfy a sweet tooth. A place to relax or whatever you’re into, Amor got it covered!


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1224 Asturias St., Sampaloc, Manila
Operating hours: 7:30am to 8:30pm
Price range: 25 – 55

Given its name Lovelite, you’ll surely love it when you visit the eatery. It is one of the famous stores around UST residing on Dapitan side. They serve foot longs and a heart-shaped sunny side up egg together with a generous serving of luscious gravy.


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This eatery along P.noval serves a variety of “Lutong bahay” viands. This is the perfect place for students craving for palatable viands that will make them miss home. Lopez is famous for their pancit and fried chicken that has a unique taste and makes them cut above the rest.